Viewing Statistics

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Viewing Statistics

VDO Panel lets you view different statistics related to your TV channel for a particular month. This feature helps to analyze the viewer's behaviour for a channel on a particular month.

To view the statistics:

  1. From the Left Pane, click Statistics to expand it.
    The sub-sections display.



  2. Click Full Statistics.
    The Full Statistics section displays.



  3. Choose a month from Show full statistics for months dropdown and click Show Statistics.
    The statistics display are based on the selected month.


    You can view the statistics related to the following:

    1. Overall analyzed requests

    2. Unique visitors per day

    3. Requested files

    4. Static requests

    5. Not found URLs

    6. Visitor hostnames and IPs

    7. Operating Systems

    8. Browsers

    9. Time distribution

    10. Referring sites

    11. Geolocation

    12. HTTP status codes