
Browse our easy to follow guides and tutorials that demonstrate how to use Everest Panel. Easy Guide For Broadcasters.


The Branding utility lets you specify the domain to be used for your streaming channel instead of the server’s domain. You can also select a company or channel logo to be displayed on your streaming channel. You can also define the position and size of the selected logo.

To do so:

  1. From the Left Pane, click Utilities to expand it.
    The list of the utilities display.


  2. Click Branding.
    The Branding section displays.

    Specify the following parameters:




Main Domain

Let's you specify the name of the domain to be used for the streaming instead of the server’s domain.

NOTE: Your domain or sub-domain must be pointed to the VDO Panel server’s IP.


Watermark Logo

Let's you select a company or channel logo to be used on video streaming. 

To choose a logo:

  1. Click Choose File.

  2. Browse and select the desired logo from the system and click Open.

    The logo will be selected.

Choose Logo Position

Let's you choose the position where the logo will be displayed in the streaming video. 

Choose any of the following positions for the logo as required:

  • Top Right Corner

  • Top Left Corner

  • Center

  • Bottom Right Corner

  • Bottom Left Corner

Increase Logo Size by Percentage

Let's you increase the size of the selected logo, in percentage. For example if you specify 200 as a value, then the size of the selected logo will be increased by 200%, in the video streaming.


  • Active: Check this option to display the selected logo while streaming.

  • Inactive: Check this option to hide the selected logo while streaming.