Load-Balancing & Geo-Balancing Complete Idea

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Load-Balancing & Geo-Balancing Complete Idea

Default Loadbalancer

Default Load balancing refers to efficiently distributing incoming network traffic across a group of backend servers, also known as a server farm or server pool

Geo Loadbalancer

Geographic Load Balancing redistributes application traffic across data centers in different locations for maximum efficiency

Servers List

to add new servers and control with manage servers and servers status


Its list for broadcasters users on the servers to enable or disable loadbalancer for each user.

Load-Balancing & Geo-Balancing Complete Idea

The main vdopanel server will not work as browsing for videos just will control to point the visitors to the right server. So, after enabling loadblancer for broadcaster user the browsing will work from the servers added to the servers list page. But the main software server will show what playlist running now and status normal browsing only will move to the balancers servers.

What is Weight ?

Use weight to send specific percentages of traffic to available origins within a pool, Here’s an example applying weights to three origin servers: Weights: Origin Server A = 5; Origin Server B = 4; Origin Server C = 1, - When all origins are healthy, each origin will receive the following proportion of total traffic: A = 50%, B = 40%, C = 10%, - When one origin is unhealthy (such as origin C), each healthy origin will receive the following proportion of total traffic: A = 50%, B=50%

For Example

 The geo works as the continent 

So if you added 1 server from the USA and  1 server from Germany and 1 server from France and 1 server from Egypt

Geo option will set 3 continent location

One continent its USA continent have the server from the USA

The second continent its Europe  continent has 2 servers Germany  and France 

The third continent its Africa continent has 1 server from Egypt

So any visitors from the American continent will point to the USA server and anyone from the European continent will point to Germany and France server as the Weight, and anyone from the Africa continent will point to the Egypt server.

Their default server is chosen auto if user did not choose this manually to point anyone not from this location for example if a visitor from Australia will point to the default server because no any location from his continent set before on loadbalancer